Friday, April 3, 2020

Google Meet - Tuesday, April 7th - 8:30 am - 9:15 - First Day Back · Up to 250 participants
Phone Numbers
PIN: ‪505 953 427#‬

OVERVIEW:  Welcome back to school!  I hope this blog post finds you and your family well.  I miss seeing you, and I hope to make our time together as meaningful and stress free as possible.

In this space, I want to prepare you for our first day back.  You should have received a letter from the district about our return to learning.  Below, you will see a grid with the weekly schedule.  We will meet twice a week for class.  I plan to use Google Meet and our class blog.  I will also be available during H-block and Wednesdays on Google Meet for office hours.

Below, I provided a list of "options" for your continued learning.  Our first class will involve checking-in and making decisions about how to proceed.  I want you to be part of this process.  

If you are friendly with anyone in the class, please let them know that there is an expectation that they will be engaging in work, again. 

HOMEWORK DUE TUESDAY When you finish reading this post, please post a quick comment below to let me know: 1)  You are alive and well, 2) Will I see you in our first Google Meet, and 3) What would you be interested in doing with our time (again, see list below).  Note:  All class sessions will be recorded and posted on my blog, so you can still enjoy class even if you do not make it for the live session.

See you on Google Meet!

AHS School Schedule

Curriculum Possibilities

1.  Late Work:  The first order of business.  If you have not done so, please complete any work assigned before March 13th.  This work will be graded and will count for graduation.  Send all completed late work to my email for evaluation.  Final district due date is Friday, April 17th.

2. Ghosts by Henrik Ibsen:  If you have not done so, you are welcome to work on all blog posts for Ghosts by Henrik Ibsen.

3.  An Enemy of the People by Henrik Ibsen:  Those of you who completed the work on Ghosts are welcome to join the book club we started last week.

4.  AP Exam Prep: Here is an important update from the A.P. Board regarding the test:  Click here.  The test is going to be quite easy. No multiple choice, just a 45 minute Open Response Q3 Essay.  We should engage in some practice during class time.  I could assign a Q3, you write an essay during our 45 minute class session, I give you feedback before the next session, and we can go over it together during our next class on Google Meet.

5.  Mr. Pellerin Daily Lessons:  I could always just share poems, favorite pieces of literature, review past material, walk through my Teaching Global Classroom Blog, and we can have a discussion on Google Meet during our class time.  The assignments can come organically from these sessions.

6.  College Prep: Is there anything you would like me to help you with on your way to college?  More grammar work?  Writing instruction?  Writing literary research papers?  Life lessons?  Use me as a resource.

7.  Creative Writing:  Poetry, short fiction, novels, personal essay writing?  I can help guide you.  FYI: Watch the video of Poetry Night at Cafe Azteca!

8.  Any other suggestions?  I am open.

Gatsby says, "Welcome Back, Daisy!"